“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.” ―Mark Twain
Imagination is like a soul to its body. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, “The act or power of forming a mental image of something not present to the senses or never before wholly perceived in reality is what we call imagination.” Everyone has an imagination. It is an important part of the human mind.
Positive VS Negative Imagination
Positive Imagination: E.B. Kevin defines imagination as what we create in our minds. Positive imagination, then, can be defined as the ability to visualize the things that we crave.,Positive imagination works in tandem with the law of attraction. Simply put, the law of attraction states that positive thoughts attract positive results and negative thoughts attract negative results. If you are habitually thinking of abundance and good health, you will inadvertently put yourself in a situation that allows you to receive these things. The imagination works based on the state of your mind. Here’s an exercise that E.B. Kevin recommends you try: every day, spend at least 15 minutes imagining the things you desire until you get them. Using positive imaginations will make you feel good and believe that you can get the things you desire and imagine.
Benefits of imagining positivity:
It sharpens your focus.
It gives you a can-do attitude in life.
It increases your creativity.
It allows you to tap into your subconscious
Negative Imagination: E.B. Kevin defines negative imagination as all the negative ideas and images that can completely take over our minds. The negative thoughts come mostly from the fears within us. Whenever we are afraid, we predict negative outcomes to the situations we are dealing with in our lives. For instance, iIf you are afraid to fail an exam, you’ll imagine yourself failing it. Negative thoughts also come from the things you see and hear. Right now, the pandemic is on our nerves. Everyone is afraid. Listening to the news may make us feel anxious and depressed. We should try to eliminate things that cause us to have negative thoughts from our lives such as watching news channels which predict doom, certain movies, and hanging out with pessimists. Instead, try listening to positive music, reading inspirational books and spending time with people who uplift your spirits.
Ways to Uplift your Imagination:
According to an article written by Siobhan Harmer there are several ways to boost the imagination.
Know your worth: Everyone should realize their potential and then they should try to work according to that. Think about what you are capable of accomplishing and act upon those thoughts. “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mindfulness: “Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and the surrounding environment.” With this practice comes bright colours and a heightened sense of self-awareness. Use this new way of looking at the world to tap into your artistic juices.
Clear your head: Exercise and meditation helps calm the noise in your mind. Never underestimate the power of meditation and exercise.
Explore and ask questions: Always be curious and most importantly, actively listen to others without trying to formulate your reply. You have so much to learn from your peers. Inspiration can come from anywhere and can take you by surprise.
Decide where to focus your energy: If you imagine your success, you will create a path for success to find you.
Let go of your preconceived notions: What is it that you have always told yourself? Stop thinking negatively about yourself. Always believe in yourself.
Make time for yourself: Take time to just be. Life is about creating a balance. Let your imagination run free and discover the most magnificent version of yourself.
Now, I would like to sum this up with some quotes which will, hopefully, change your attitude:
“Trust that little voice in your head that says, ‘Wouldn’t it be interesting if…’, and then do it.”- Duane Michals
“Imagination creates reality.” -Richard Wagner
“The man who has no imagination has no wings.” ―Muhammad Ali
“Laughter is timeless, imagination has no age and dreams are forever.” – Walt Disney
“ Reality leaves a lot to the imagination.” – John Lennon